Mississippi Northern District Court
Judge:Sharion Aycock
Referred: Roy Percy
Case #: 3:23-cv-00116
Nature of Suit190 Contract - Other Contract
Cause28:1391 Personal Injury Venue
Case Filed:Apr 24, 2023
Terminated:Apr 25, 2023
Last checked: Saturday Oct 21, 2023 4:39 AM CDT
John Does 1-20
Morgan Wallen
Brandi Burcham
Represented By
Casey Langston Lott
Langston & Lott, P.A.
contact info

1. Morgan Wallen fan files federal lawsuit against the country singer (dailymail.co.uk)
Submitted Tue 04/25/2023
Docket last updated: 11 hours ago
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
3 3 1 pgs notice Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Tue 04/25 8:38 AM
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Casey Langston Lott on behalf of Brandi Burcham (Lott, Casey)
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Monday, April 24, 2023
2 2 1 pgs service Summons Issued Mon 04/24 3:15 PM
Summons Issued as to Morgan Wallen; emailed to Attorney for service. (jla)
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1 1 9 pgs cmp Complaint Mon 04/24 3:14 PM
COMPLAINT, Jury Demand, Filing fee $ 402, receipt number AMSNDC-2235408, filed by Brandi Burcham. (jla)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet
notice Notice of Assignment Mon 04/24 3:15 PM
NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. Case assigned to Judge Aycock and Magistrate Judge Percy. (jla)
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notice Notice of Correction Mon 04/24 3:15 PM
CLERK'S NOTICE : Effective December 1, 2022, F.R.C.P. 7.1(a)(2) requires all parties in a diversity action to file a disclosure statement at the time of the initial appearance and/or pleading. The disclosure statement must name and disclose the citizenship of every individual or entity whose citizenship is attributed to that party. Please use the civil event Disclosure Statement to file the required disclosure statement. (jla)
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