Lead case: 0:24-md-03110

Minnesota District Court
Judge:Jerry W Blackwell
Referred: David T Schultz
Case #: 0:24-cv-02342
Nature of Suit410 Other Statutes - Antitrust
Cause15:15 Antitrust Litigation
Case Filed:Jun 25, 2024
Case in other court:Florida Southern, 9:24-cv-80451
Last checked: Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 2:13 PM CDT
ASR Group International, Inc.
American Sugar Refining, Inc.
Cargill, Inc.
Commodity Information, Inc.
Domino Foods, Inc.
Michigan Sugar Company
United Sugar Producers & Refiners Cooperative
Richard Wistisen
Heidi Humphreys
Represented By
Raphael Janove
Janove PLLC
contact info
Dayron Silverio
Podhurst Orseck, P.A.
contact info
Matthew Weinshall
Podhurst Orseck
contact info
Peter Prieto
Podhurst Orseck, P.A.
contact info

Docket last updated: 07/01/2024 11:59 PM CDT
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
17 17 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Tue 06/25 11:02 AM
Case transferred in from District of Florida Southern; Case Number 9:24-cv-80451. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received. Case assigned to Judge Jerry W Blackwell and referred to Magistrate Judge David T. Schultz per MDL List.
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Thursday, June 20, 2024
16 16 Certified Copy of CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-1) transferring case to the District of Minnesota re: MDL 3110 for consolidated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 USC 1407 and assigned to the Honorable Jerry W. Blackwell. (Signed by Tiffaney Pete, Clerk of the Panel). (jas) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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15 15 Courtesy Copy of CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-1) transferring case to the District of Minnesota re: MDL 3110 for consolidated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 USC 1407 and assigned to the Honorable Jerry W. Blackwell. (Signed by Tiffaney Pete, Clerk of the Panel). (jas) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Civil Case Closed, per DE#16 Certified Copy of CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-1) transferring case to the District of Minnesota re: MDL 3110. (jas) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024
14 14 STATUS REPORT by HEIDI HUMPHREYS (Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Tuesday, June 11, 2024
13 13 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on1 Complaint,, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by HEIDI HUMPHREYS. COMMODITY INFORMATION, INC. served on 6/7/2024, response/answer due 6/28/2024. (Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Monday, June 10, 2024
12 12 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on1 Complaint,, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by HEIDI HUMPHREYS. UNITED SUGAR PRODUCERS & REFINERS COOPERATIVE served on 6/6/2024, response/answer due 6/27/2024. (Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Friday, June 07, 2024
11 11 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by HEIDI HUMPHREYS. ASR Group International, Inc. waiver sent on 6/6/2024, response/answer due 8/5/2024. (Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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10 10 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by HEIDI HUMPHREYS. Domino Foods, Inc. waiver sent on 6/6/2024, response/answer due 8/5/2024. (Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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9 9 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by HEIDI HUMPHREYS. AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING, INC. waiver sent on 6/6/2024, response/answer due 8/5/2024. (Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Thursday, June 06, 2024
8 8 PAPERLESS ORDER REQUIRING STATUS REPORT. The complaint in this case was filed on April 11, 2024, naming eight defendants. (DE1 ). The record reflects that summons were issued, but none have been returned executed, and no defendant has yet appeared in the case. Accordingly, on or before June 12, 2024, Plaintiff shall file a status report setting forth what progress, if any, has been made to date with respect to service of process. Signed by Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks on 6/6/2024. (kid) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Tuesday, April 16, 2024
7 7 PAPERLESS ORDER granting5 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Attorney Raphael Janove. Signed by Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks on 4/16/2024. (kid) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Monday, April 15, 2024
6 6 ORDER OF RECUSAL. Judge Kenneth A. Marra recused. Case reassigned to Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/15/2024. See attached document for full details. (jmd) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Friday, April 12, 2024
5 5 MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Raphael Janove. Filing Fee $ 200.00 Receipt # AFLSDC-17445264 by HEIDI HUMPHREYS. Responses due by 4/26/2024.(Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
4 4 Bar Letter re: Admissions sent to attorney Raphael Janove, mailing date April 12, 2024, (pt) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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3 3 Summons Issued as to AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING, INC., ASR Group International, Inc., CARGILL, INC.,, COMMODITY INFORMATION, INC., Domino Foods, Inc., MICHIGAN SUGAR COMPANY, UNITED SUGAR PRODUCERS & REFINERS COOPERATIVE, RICHARD WISTISEN. (nan) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Thursday, April 11, 2024
2 2 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Kenneth A. Marra. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. (nan) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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1 1 COMPLAINT against AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING, INC., ASR Group International, Inc., CARGILL, INC.,, COMMODITY INFORMATION, INC., Domino Foods, Inc., MICHIGAN SUGAR COMPANY, UNITED SUGAR PRODUCERS & REFINERS COOPERATIVE f/k/a UNITED SUGAR CORPORATION, RICHARD WISTISEN. Filing fees $ 405.00 receipt number AFLSDC-17441945, filed by HEIDI HUMPHREYS.(Prieto, Peter) [Transferred from Florida Southern on 6/25/2024.]
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Summon(s) ASR GROUP INT'L,
Att: 3 Summon(s) AMERICAN SUGAR,
Att: 4 Summon(s) DOMINO FOODS,
Att: 5 Summon(s) CARGILL, INC.,
Att: 6 Summon(s) MICHIGAN SUGAR CO.,
Att: 8 Summon(s) COMMODITY INFO. INC.,