Louisiana Middle District Court
Judge:Scott D Johnson
Referred: Richard L Bourgeois, Jr
Case #: 3:24-cv-00570
Nature of Suit110 Contract - Insurance
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Case Filed:Jul 12, 2024
Case in other court:18th Judicial District Court, 1048641
Last checked: Friday Jul 12, 2024 4:14 PM CDT
American Inter-Fidelity Corporation
American Inter-Fidelity Exchange
Represented By
James R. Nieset, Jr.
Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson - No
contact info
Melendez Enrique
Pam Transport Corp
State Farm Mutual Autmobile Insurance Company
Brent Sibley

Docket last updated: 07/19/2024 11:59 PM CDT
Monday, July 15, 2024
notice Notice to Counsel - Initial Designation of Consent Case Mon 07/15 11:31 AM
NOTICE TO COUNSEL: This case has been assigned to a United States Magistrate Judge for all purposes, including trial, final entry of judgment, and direct review by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. See General Order 2024-02 and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 73. Consent to a Magistrate Judge is voluntary. Any party may decline consent. Once all parties have appeared in this matter, a Consent Form will be noticed to the parties and a deadline set for the form to be returned to the court. The form will not be part of the court record and the identity of any party declining consent will not be communicated to any judge. (DCB)
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Friday, July 12, 2024
4 4 notice Certificate of Interested Persons Fri 07/12 3:51 PM
Certificate of Interested Persons by American Inter-Fidelity Exchange identifying Corporate Parent Colin Ryan, Affiliate/Interested Person State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Affiliate/Interested Person American Inter-Fidelity Corporation, Affiliate/Interested Person American Inter-Fidelity Exchange, Affiliate/Interested Person Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, Affiliate/Interested Person Porteous, Hainkel & Johnson, LLP, Affiliate/Interested Person Anne Marie Muller-McCrary, Affiliate/Interested Person James R. Nieset, Affiliate/Interested Person Brent Sibley, Affiliate/Interested Person Enrique, Melendez, Affiliate/Interested Person Pam Transport Corp., Affiliate/Interested Person Jeanne Perrin Henderson for American Inter-Fidelity Exchange. (Nieset, James)
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3 3 notice Notice of Compliance Fri 07/12 3:46 PM
NOTICE of Compliance by American Inter-Fidelity Exchange to1 Notice of Removal,(Nieset, James)
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Att: 1 Attachment Conformed Answer
2 2 notice Corporate Disclosure Statement Fri 07/12 3:44 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by American Inter-Fidelity Exchange identifying Corporate Parent American Inter-Fidelity Exchange for American Inter-Fidelity Exchange.. (Nieset, James)
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1 1 cmp Notice of Removal (Complete Case Opening First) Fri 07/12 3:43 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL from 18th JDC, Case Number 1048641. (Filing fee $ 405 receipt number ALAMDC-2776140), filed by American Inter-Fidelity Exchange.(Nieset, James)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Petition for Damages,
Att: 2 Exhibit Email with discovery responses,
Att: 3 Attachment Civil Cover Sheet