North Carolina Western District Court
Judge:Max O Cogburn, Jr
Referred: W Carleton Metcalf
Case #: 1:24-cv-00310
Nature of Suit550 Prisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus - Civil Rights
Cause42:1983 Civil Rights Act
Case Filed:Dec 27, 2024

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Docket last updated: 12/27/2024 11:59 PM EST
Friday, December 27, 2024
7 7 motion Change Venue Fri 12/27 2:19 PM
MOTION to Change Venue by Terry Delan Simpson (smm)
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6 6 motion Discovery Fri 12/27 2:17 PM
MOTION for Discovery by Terry Delan Simpson (smm)
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5 5 notice Complaint Deficiency Notice Fri 12/27 2:15 PM
NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY regarding1 Complaint. The filing fee of 405.00 was not received or application to proceed without payment of fees and affidavit was not submitted. Application or Fee due by 1/17/2025. (smm)
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4 4 notice Notice (Other) Fri 12/27 2:08 PM
NOTICE of Liability & Common Law by Terry Delan Simpson. (smm)
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3 3 misc Affidavit Fri 12/27 1:57 PM
AFFIDAVIT by Terry Delan Simpson (smm)
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Att: 1 Affidavit of Service,
Att: 2 Notice of Special Devine Appearance,
Att: 3 Affidavit Attachment-Exhibit 00,
Att: 4 McIntosh County Affidavit,
Att: 5 Affidavit and Claim of Non-Corporate Status
2 2 misc Exhibit Fri 12/27 1:50 PM
Exhibits to1 Complaint by Terry Delan Simpson. Note: Did not receive Exhibits 3, 5, or 11. (smm)
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1 1 cmp Complaint Fri 12/27 1:35 PM
COMPLAINT filed by Terry Delan Simpson against Jean C. Bolin, Richard E. Braun, Christopher Chapman, City of Darien, Inc., County of McIntosh, Inc., District Court of Darien County, Inc., Federal Judicial district of Darien, Inc., Hugh Hodge, Stephen D. Jessup, FNU Jones, Brian P. Kemp, FNU LNU(Towing Company), FNU LNU(10-12 un-named sheriff officers incl/2 un-named bailiffs), MCSD, McIntosh County Sheriff Department, Jennifer Miller, Samuel G. Oliver, Jon Ossoff, Adam Poppell, Tyler Scott, Austin Snachez, State of Georgia, Inc.-069230183, George Trexler, Raphael Warnock, Patrick Zoucks with Jury Demand (Filing fee due $ 405). (smm)
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Att: 1 Support of the Notice of Abatement,
Att: 2 Proposed Summons
order Order of Instructions Fri 12/27 2:10 PM
Standing Order of Instructions Regarding Pro Se Litigants in Civil Actions. Click on this link to retrieve the Standing Order (Pro se litigant served by US Mail.)(smm)
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utility Standing Order Regarding Use of Artificial Intelligence Fri 12/27 2:11 PM
Standing Order Regarding Use of Artificial Intelligence (3:24-mc-104). Click on this link to retrieve the Standing Order (smm)
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