Miscellaneous Case (COURT USE ONLY)
Mon 12/30 3:04 PM
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER WHEREAS, the Court requires the Clerk of Court to maintain a record of all Applications for Admission to the Criminal Justice Act Panel or Mentee Attorney Panel and all Renewal Applications to the Criminal Justice Act Panel or Mentee Attorney Panel in the Eastern District of Missouri; and, to process the Applications electronically and in a central database, the Clerk of Court will direct the filing of all Applications into a miscellaneous district court case file that can be accessed by Judges and Court staff only using CM/ ECF. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a miscellaneous case shall be created and identified as number 4:25MC08888, and shall be used for the sole purpose of receiving and storing electronically all Applications to the Criminal Justice Act Panel or Mentee Attorney Panel and all Renewal Applications to the Criminal Justice Act Panel or Mentee Attorney Panel from May, 2025 through October, 2025. This case shall be assigned to Chief Judge Stephen R. Clark and shall be administratively closed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following CJA Committee members be listed as interested parties for the receipt of all filings in this matter: Nanci McCarthy; John Lynch; and Teneil Kellerman. (KXS)
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