Filing Fee Received
Tue 01/07 3:30 PM
Filing fee: $ 52.00, receipt number 4890 re1 Miscellaneous Case Filing Fee/USA Applications. (eta)
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Miscellaneous Case Filing Fee/USA Applications
Tue 01/07 3:28 PM
[Miscellaneous Case Filing Fee/USA Applications] Courts of Record re Lower Case No. 1 PP201006178 Filing fee $ 52. - filed by Emmeline Macanas.(eta)
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Att: 1
01. Equity Federal Court Order #013,
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Att: 2
02. Courts of Record - Common Law,
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Att: 3
03. 20 Maxims of Law,
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Att: 4
04. Notice to the Public - DOC9067000654,
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Att: 5
05. Memorandum of Law - DOC A - 89100612,
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Att: 6
06. Fee Schedule - FR370175231US,
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Att: 7
07. Notice of Trespassing on Estate,
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Att: 8
08. Notice of Liability - Trespass/Bond,
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Att: 9
Table of Contents/References,
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Att: 10
A. Vacate & Strike - Dkt. 179 / Pg. 1 only,
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Att: 11
B. Vacate & Strike - Dkt. 167 / Pg. 1 only,
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Att: 12
C. Affirmation/Public Notary