Indiana Northern District Court
Judge:Cristal C Brisco
Referred: Scott J Frankel
Case #: 3:25-cv-00084
Nature of Suit550 Prisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus - Civil Rights
Cause42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights
Case Filed:Jan 27, 2025

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Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
5 5 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Tue 01/28 5:05 PM
ORDER granting3 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis; ORDERS the plaintiff, Brandon Green, IDOC # 190386, to immediately pay (and the facility having custody to automatically remit) $39.13 to the clerk in payment of the initial partial filing fee; ORDERS the plaintiff to pay (and the facility having custody to automatically remit) to the clerk 20% of the money received for each calendar month during which $10.00 or more is received, until the $350.00 filing fee is paid in full; DIRECTS the clerk to create a ledger for receipt of these funds; and DIRECTS the clerk to send a copy of this order to each facility where the plaintiff is housed until the filing fee has been paid in full. Signed by Judge Cristal C Brisco on 1/28/25. (Copy mailed as directed in Order). (nhc)
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Monday, January 27, 2025
4 4 misc Docket Annotation - public event with NEF Mon 01/27 4:29 PM
Docket sheet and file stamped copy with case number sent to Brandon Green #190386.(kmt)
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Att: 1 File stamped copy of Complaint
3 3 motion Proceed In Forma Pauperis Mon 01/27 4:27 PM
MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by Plaintiff Brandon Green. (kmt)
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2 2 cmp Pro Se Complaint Mon 01/27 4:26 PM
PRO SE COMPLAINT against Pam Banes, Centurion of Indiana, Christina Reagle, Sims, Smith, filed by Brandon Green.(kmt)
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1 1 misc Consent to Prisoner E-Service Mon 01/27 4:25 PM
Consent to Receipt of Documents Through Prisoner Electronic Filing Program by Brandon Green. The Prisoner Electronic Filing Program operates pursuant to General Order 2018-1. When an inmate submits a document for electronic filing, the Prison Law Library emails a scanned copy and mails the original to the Court. The inmate should not mail a paper copy to the Court or a Defendant. When the scanned copy is docketed by the Court, a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) is emailed to the Prison Law Library. This NEF is printed by the Prison Law Library and given to the inmate with only the first page of the inmate's filing. Defendants are served by the Court. When the Prison Law Library receives an NEF for an entry by the Court, the NEF and a full copy of any attached order or document is printed and given to the inmate. The Prison Law Library will not print the NEF for documents filed by a Defendant. The Defendant must serve the inmate by mail. (kmt)
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