California Northern District Court
Judge:Jon S Tigar
Case #: 4:25-cv-00957
Nature of Suit850 Other Statutes - Securities/Commodities/Exchange
Cause15:78m(a) Securities Exchange Act
Case Filed:Jan 30, 2025
Last checked: Sunday Feb 02, 2025 12:15 AM PST
Charles C. Bracher
Grocery Outlet Holding Corp.
Robert Joseph Sheedy
Riccio Liberato
Represented By
Adam Marc Apton
Levi & Korsinsky, LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 11 hours ago
Monday, February 03, 2025
10 10 order Initial Case Management Scheduling Order SEC Class Action Mon 02/03 4:27 PM
*** Clerical Entry - updating scheduling order deadlines re8 (ecg, COURT STAFF)
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9 9 oth_evt Clerk's Notice Setting Zoom Hearing Mon 02/03 2:10 PM
CLERKS NOTICE SETTING ZOOM HEARING. Joint Case Management Statement due by 4/29/2025. Initial Case Management Conference set for 5/6/2025 at 02:00 PM - Videoconference Only. This proceeding will be held via a Zoom webinar. Webinar Access: All counsel, members of the public, and media may access the webinar information at [LINK:] Court Appearances: Advanced notice is required of counsel or parties who wish to be identified by the court as making an appearance or will be participating in the argument at the hearing. One list of names of all counsel appearing for all parties must be sent in one email to the CRD at no later than 05/05/2025 at 2:00PM PST. General Order 58. Persons granted access to court proceedings held by telephone or videoconference are reminded that photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings, including screenshots or other visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited. Zoom Guidance and Setup: [LINK:] . (dms, COURT STAFF)
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order Initial Case Management Scheduling Order SEC Class Action 1 - Terminate Deadlines Mon 02/03 4:23 PM
*** Clerical entry: updating SEC related deadlines re8 Initial Scheduling Order. (ecg, COURT STAFF)
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Friday, January 31, 2025
8 8 order Initial Case Management Scheduling Order SEC Class Action Mon 02/03 8:21 AM
INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING ORDER SEC CLASS ACTION SEC Class Action Notice due by 2/20/2025. Case Management Statement due by 4/29/2025. Initial Case Management Conference set for 5/6/2025 02:00 PM in Oakland, Courtroom 6, 2nd Floor. (exl, COURT STAFF)
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7 7 order Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines Fri 01/31 11:08 AM
Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines: Case Management Statement due by 4/29/2025. Initial Case Management Conference set for 5/6/2025 02:00 PM in Oakland, Courtroom 6, 2nd Floor. (exl, COURT STAFF)
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6 6 1 pgs order Order Reassigning Case ~Util - Case Assigned/Reassigned Fri 01/31 10:45 AM
ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned as a PSLRA matter. Case reassigned using a proportionate, random, and blind system pursuant to General Order No. 44 to Judge Jon S. Tigar for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Alex G. Tse no longer assigned to case, Notice: The assigned judge participates in the Cameras in the Courtroom Pilot Project. See General Order No. 65 and Signed by Clerk on 1/31/25.(as, COURT STAFF) Modified on 1/31/2025 (as, COURT STAFF).
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Att: 1 Notice of Eligibility for Video Recording
Thursday, January 30, 2025
5 5 Disregard and refer to new scheduling order. Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines: Case Management Statement due by 4/25/2025. Initial Case Management Conference set for 5/2/2025 02:00 PM in San Francisco, Courtroom A, 15th Floor. (exl, COURT STAFF) Modified on 1/31/2025 (as, COURT STAFF).
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4 4 Summons Issued as to Charles C. Bracher, Grocery Outlet Holding Corp., Robert Joseph Sheedy. (exl, COURT STAFF)
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3 3 Case assigned to Magistrate Judge Alex G. Tse. Counsel for plaintiff or the removing party is responsible for serving the Complaint or Notice of Removal, Summons and the assigned judge's standing orders and all other new case documents upon the opposing parties. For information, visit E-Filing A New Civil Case at Standing orders can be downloaded from the court's web page at Upon receipt, the summons will be issued and returned electronically. A scheduling order will be sent by Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) within two business days. Consent/Declination due by 2/13/2025. (COURT STAFF, pjf)
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2 2 Proposed Summons. (Apton, Adam)
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1 1 27 pgs COMPLAINT against Charles C. Bracher, Grocery Outlet Holding Corp., Robert Joseph Sheedy ( Filing fee $ 405, receipt number ACANDC-20292888.). Filed by Riccio Liberato.(Apton, Adam)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Certification,
Att: 2 Civil Cover Sheet