Washington Western District Court
Judge:Lauren King
Referred: S Kate Vaughan
Case #: 2:25-cv-00353
Nature of Suit463 Immigration - Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee
Cause28:2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (federal)
Case Filed:Feb 25, 2025
Last checked: Tuesday Feb 25, 2025 11:09 AM PST
Carlos Eduardo Ardiles-Adraz
Represented By
Gregory Murphy
Federal Public Defender'S Office (sea)
contact info
Pamela Bondi
Drew Bostock
Kristi Noem
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Docket last updated: 03/09/2025 11:59 PM PDT
Thursday, February 27, 2025
6 6 order 1 - Order Fri 02/28 10:08 AM
ORDER FOR RETURN AND STATUS REPORT re1 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus by Hon. S. Kate Vaughan. Electronic posting of this Order and 4 Petitioners § 2241 Habeas Petition shall effect service upon the United States Attorney of the petition and all supporting documents. Service upon the United States Attorney is deemed to be service upon KRISTI NOEM, DREW BOSTOCK-SEATTLE FIELD OFFICE DIRECTOR, WARDEN OF IMMIGRATION DETENTION CENTER, AND USCIS. On or before March 31, 2025, respondent shall file a return and status report (RSR) as provided in 28 U.S.C. § 2243, explaining why the Court should not grant petitioner's petition. As a part of such return, respondent(s) shall submit a memorandum of authorities in support of its position and state whether an evidentiary hearing is necessary. In accordance with LCR 7(d), respondent(s) shall note its return for consideration no earlier than 28 days after filing. Petitioner may file and serve a response not later than 21 days after the filing date of the return, and respondent(s) may file and serve a reply not later than 28 days after the filing date of the return. If petitioner's custody status changes at any point during this litigation, respondent(s) shall file a status update with the Court as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after the change(PS)
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5 5 2 pgs order Order on Motion to Appoint Counsel Fri 02/28 9:45 AM
ORDER granting2 Motion to Appoint Federal Public Defender as Counsel for Petitioner Carlos Eduardo Ardiles-Adraz; signed by Hon. S. Kate Vaughan.(PS)
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4 4 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 02/27 3:55 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Michelle R. Lambert on behalf of Respondents Pamela Bondi, Kristi Noem, Drew Bostock, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (Lambert, Michelle)
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3 3 misc Letter Thu 02/27 12:03 PM
LETTER to Filer re case number and Judge assignment. (MIH)(cc: Petitioner via USPS)
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Thu 02/27 11:59 AM
Judge Lauren King and Hon. S. Kate Vaughan added. (MIH)
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Tuesday, February 25, 2025
2 2 motion Appoint Counsel Tue 02/25 10:52 AM
MOTION to Appoint Counsel , filed by Petitioner Carlos Eduardo Ardiles-Adraz. Noting Date 2/25/2025, (Murphy, Gregory)
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Att: 1 FPD Letter
1 1 cmp Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Tue 02/25 10:50 AM
PETITION for Writ of Habeas Corpus Related [+] filed by Carlos Eduardo Ardiles-Adraz.(Murphy, Gregory)
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