Colorado District Court
Judge:Daniel D Domenico
Referred: Scott T Varholak
Case #: 1:25-cv-00709
Nature of Suit442 Civil Rights - Employment
Cause42:2000e Job Discrimination (Employment)
Case Filed:Mar 05, 2025
Case in other court:USDC of Northern Alabama, 5:24-cv-00671
Last checked: Wednesday Mar 05, 2025 11:05 AM MST
United Launch Alliance LLC
Richard Mack
Brian Weden
Doug Vonfeldt
Philip Vandiver
Emily Padilla
Michael Norwood
Jaime McCormick
Ricky Mason
Sherrie Maine
Richard Laabs
Cory Kannegieter
Benjamin Eastman
Christopher Byrd
Skyler Bunce
Zachary Breland
Joshua Bondeson
Matthew Bigelow

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM MDT
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
41 41 notice Notice of Entry of Appearance Tue 03/11 11:07 AM
NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Ryan Paul Lessmann on behalf of All Defendants Attorney Ryan Paul Lessmann added to party United Launch Alliance LLC(pty:dft) (Lessmann, Ryan)
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Monday, March 10, 2025
40 40 notice Notice of Entry of Appearance Mon 03/10 7:09 PM
NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Walker Drews Moller on behalf of All Plaintiffs Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Michael Norwood (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Philip Vandiver (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Christopher Byrd (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Benjamin Eastman(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Cory Kannegieter(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Joshua Bondeson (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Shawn Laabs(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Emily Padilla (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Richard Mack (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Skyler Bunce (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Doug Vonfeldt(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Brian Weden (pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Matthew Bigelow(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Zachary Breland(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Sherrie Maine(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Ricky Mason(pty:pla), Attorney Walker Drews Moller added to party Jaime McCormick (pty:pla) (Moller, Walker)
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Wednesday, March 05, 2025
39 39 2 pgs order Order Wed 03/05 2:29 PM
ORDER SETTING SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak on 3/5/2025. Proposed Scheduling Order due 4/29/2025. Scheduling Conference set for 5/6/2025 10:30 AM in Courtroom A 402 before Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak. by Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak on 3/5/2025. (sphil, )
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38 38 order Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Wed 03/05 8:58 AM
ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(1)(A) and (B) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 72(a) and (b), this case is referred to the assigned United States Magistrate Judge to (1) convene a scheduling conference under Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(b) and enter a scheduling order meeting the requirements of Local Civ. R. 16.2, (2) conduct such status conferences and issue such orders necessary for compliance with the scheduling order, including amendments or modifications of the scheduling order upon a showing of good cause, (3) hear and determine pretrial matters, including discovery and other non-dispositive motions, (4) conduct hearings, including evidentiary hearings, and submit proposed findings of fact and recommendations for rulings on dispositive motions, and (5) pursuant to Local Civ. R. 16.6 and at the discretion of the Magistrate Judge, convene such early neutral evaluation and/or settlement conferences and direct related procedures as may facilitate resolution of this case without the necessity of a motion or prior authorization of the undersigned. SO ORDERED by Judge Daniel D. Domenico on 3/5/2025. Text Only Entry (dddlc1, )
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37 37 misc Magistrate Judge Consent Form Wed 03/05 8:53 AM
Magistrate Judge consent form issued pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 636(c). (echa, )
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36 36 misc Case Assigned to Judge Wed 03/05 8:52 AM
Case assigned to Judge Daniel D. Domenico and drawn to Magistrate Judge Scott T. Varholak. Text Only Entry. (echa, )
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35 35 misc Notice to Attorney(s) in Removed, Transferred or Other Cases Wed 03/05 8:49 AM
FIRST AND FINAL NOTICE TO ALL ATTORNEY(S) AND UNREPRESENTED PARTIES IN REMOVED, TRANSFERRED, OR OTHER CASES. To receive any further notice in a case removed or transferred to this court, or special matters including discovery disputes, bankruptcy appeals, or withdrawals of reference, Multi-district litigation (MDL), etc., all attorneys and unrepresented parties must enter an appearance under D.C.COLO.LAttyR 5(a). An attorney must be an active member of this court's bar and be in good standing in accordance with D.C.COLO.LAttyR 3. A waiver of the fee for bar admission may apply in limited situations. (Text Only Entry) (echa, )
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34 34 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Wed 03/05 8:29 AM
Case transferred in from District of Alabama Northern; Case Number 5:24-cv-00671. File, transfer order and docket sheet received
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
33 33 TRANSFER ORDER: The Court GRANTS the motion to transfer and this action is TRANSFERRED to the District of Colorado; original electronic record will be uploaded to the Clerk of Court for the District of Colorado 10 business days from this date . Signed by Judge Liles C Burke on 2/19/2025. (AHI) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Wednesday, January 15, 2025
32 32 RESPONSE to31 Plaintiffs' Notice of Supplemental Authority filed by United Launch Alliance LLC. (Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Wednesday, January 08, 2025
31 31 NOTICE of Supplemental Authority regarding12 MOTION to Dismiss by Michael Norwood, Philip Vandiver, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Joshua Bondeson, Richard Laabs, Emily Padilla, Richard Mack, Skyler Bunce, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden, Matthew Bigelow, Zachary Breland, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick(Byrd, Caleb) Modified on 1/9/2025 (AHI). [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Barnett v. Inova Health Care Servs.
Monday, January 06, 2025
30 30 Joint MOTION for Protective Order by United Launch Alliance LLC.(Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Proposed Protective Order
Wednesday, November 06, 2024
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Liles C Burke: Motion Hearing held on 11/6/2024 re19 MOTION to Change Venue filed by United Launch Alliance LLC; Caleb Byrd and Steve Thornton present for plaintiffs; Daniel Harris and Shannon Miller present for defendant. (Court Reporter Christina Decker.) (SPT ) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Thursday, October 24, 2024
29 29 Plaintiff's NOTICE of Supplemental Authority regarding12 MOTION to Dismiss - Partial by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden(Byrd, Caleb) Modified on 10/24/2024 (AHI). [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit A - O'Callaghan v. Syneos Health, Inc.,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Halczenko v. Ascension Health, Inc.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
28 28 TEXT ORDER: The Motion Hearing regarding the19 MOTION to Change Venue filed by United Launch Alliance LLC is RESET for 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 11/6/24, in the Federal Courthouse, 660 Gallatin Street SW, Huntsville, AL before the undersigned. Signed by Judge Liles C Burke on 10/16/24. (SPT ) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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27 27 TEXT ORDER that the Motion Hearing set 10/28/24 is CANCELED and will be reset by further order. Signed by Judge Liles C Burke on 10/16/24. (SPT ) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Friday, September 27, 2024
26 26 RESPONSE in Support re19 MOTION to Change Venue filed by United Launch Alliance LLC. (Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Tuesday, September 24, 2024
25 25 TEXT ORDER that a Motion Hearing regarding the19 MOTION to Change Venue filed by United Launch Alliance LLC is set for 10:00 a.m. on Monday, 10/28/24, in the Federal Courthouse, 660 Gallatin Street, SW Huntsville, AL before the undersigned. Signed by Judge Liles C Burke on 9/24/24. (SPT ) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Friday, September 20, 2024
24 24 SCHEDULING ORDER REGARDING CLASS ACTION CERTIFICATION : Discovery due by 4/30/25; Class Certification Motion due by 5/30/25; Response to Motion due by 6/27/25; Reply due by 7/18/25. Signed by Judge Liles C Burke on 9/20/24. (SPT ) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Thursday, September 19, 2024
23 23 REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting. (Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024
22 22 NOTICE regarding Plaintiffs' EEOC Documentation Filed in Compliance With the Courts Initial Order Governing All Further Proceedings by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden(Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A
Friday, September 13, 2024
21 21 RESPONSE in Opposition re19 MOTION to Change Venue filed by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden.(Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Trans. of Dep. of Liane George,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2 - Decl. of S. Bunce,
Att: 3 Exhibit 3 - Decl. of D. Vonfeldt,
Att: 4 Exhibit 4 - Decl. of B. Weden,
Att: 5 Exhibit 5 - Decl. of R. Mack,
Att: 6 Exhibit 6 - Decl. of E. Padilla,
Att: 7 Exhibit 7 - Decl. of C. Kannegieter,
Att: 8 Exhibit 8 - Decl. of M. Bigelow,
Att: 9 Exhibit 9 - Decl. of S. Laabs
Monday, September 09, 2024
20 20 REPLY to Response to Motion re12 MOTION to Dismiss - Partial filed by United Launch Alliance LLC. (Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Tuesday, August 27, 2024
19 19 MOTION to Change Venue by United Launch Alliance LLC.(Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Liane J. George
Monday, August 26, 2024
18 18 RESPONSE in Opposition re12 MOTION to Dismiss - Partial filed by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden. (Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Tuesday, August 06, 2024
17 17 INITIAL ORDER GOVERNING ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS - with appendices attached. Signed by Judge Liles C Burke on 8/6/2024. (AHI) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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16 16 NOTICE OF REASSIGNMENT : The parties having not unanimously consented to the dispositive jurisdiction by a Magistrate Judge, this action has been randomly reassigned to the HONORABLE LILES C. BURKE . Please use case number 5:24-CV-00671-LCB on all subsequent pleadings. Magistrate Judge Herman N. Johnson, Jr is no longer assigned to this case. (LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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15 15 NOTICE of Appearance by Daniel B. Harris on behalf of United Launch Alliance LLC (Harris, Daniel) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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14 14 Corporate Disclosure Statement by United Launch Alliance LLC. filed by United Launch Alliance LLC (Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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13 13 Partial ANSWER to1 Complaint,, as to Count I by United Launch Alliance LLC.(Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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12 12 MOTION to Dismiss - Partial by United Launch Alliance LLC. (Miller, Shannon) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024
11 11 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Michael Norwood, Matthew Bigelow, Richard Laabs, Ricky Mason, Benjamin Eastman, Joshua Bondeson, Philip Vandiver, Emily Padilla, Doug Vonfeldt, Skyler Bunce, Richard Mack, Zachary Breland, Jaime McCormick, Christopher Byrd, Cory Kannegieter, Brian Weden, Sherrie Maine. United Launch Alliance LLC waiver sent on 6/7/2024, answer due 8/6/2024. (Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Monday, June 03, 2024
Filing Fee: Filing fee $ 405, receipt_number AALNDC-4605868 (B-11818). related document1 COMPLAINT with Jury Demand against United Launch Alliance LLC, filed by Michael Norwood, Matthew Bigelow, Richard Laabs, Ricky Mason, Benjamin Eastman, Joshua Bondeson, Philip Vandiver, Emily Padilla, Doug Vonfeldt, Skyler Bunce, Richard Mack, Zachary Breland, Jaime McCormick, Christopher Byrd, Cory Kannegieter, Brian Weden, Sherrie Maine.(LCB). (Byrd, Caleb) Modified on 6/4/2024 (AHI). [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Friday, May 31, 2024
10 10 ORDER: The Court GRANTS 6 Motion for Leave to Appear PHV. Signed by Magistrate Judge Herman N Johnson, Jr on 5/31/2024. (LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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9 9 ORDER: The Court GRANTS 5 Motion for Leave to Appear PHV. Signed by Magistrate Judge Herman N Johnson, Jr on 5/31/2024. (LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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8 8 ORDER: The Court GRANTS 4 Motion for Leave to Appear PHV. Signed by Magistrate Judge Herman N Johnson, Jr on 5/31/2024. (LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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7 7 ORDER: The Court GRANTS 3 Motion for Leave to Appear PHV. Signed by Magistrate Judge Herman N Johnson, Jr on 5/31/2024. (LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Thursday, May 30, 2024
6 6 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Steve Thornton Motion is RIPE 5/30/2024 . Any party may file a motion to reconsider within three (3) business days of a ruling on the motion. Filed by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden.(Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Steve Thornton
5 5 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Jack Spitz Motion is RIPE 5/30/2024 . Any party may file a motion to reconsider within three (3) business days of a ruling on the motion. Filed by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden.(Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Jack Spitz
4 4 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Walker Moller Motion is RIPE 5/30/2024 . Any party may file a motion to reconsider within three (3) business days of a ruling on the motion. Filed by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden.(Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Walker Moller
3 3 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice R. Davis Younts Motion is RIPE 5/30/2024 . Any party may file a motion to reconsider within three (3) business days of a ruling on the motion. Filed by Matthew Bigelow, Joshua Bondeson, Zachary Breland, Skyler Bunce, Christopher Byrd, Benjamin Eastman, Cory Kannegieter, Richard Laabs, Richard Mack, Sherrie Maine, Ricky Mason, Jaime McCormick, Michael Norwood, Emily Padilla, Philip Vandiver, Doug Vonfeldt, Brian Weden.(Byrd, Caleb) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of R. Davis Younts
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
2 2 NOTICE of assignment of case to a United States Magistrate Judge for trial. (LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Friday, May 24, 2024
1 1 COMPLAINT with Jury Demand against United Launch Alliance LLC, filed by Michael Norwood, Matthew Bigelow, Richard Laabs, Ricky Mason, Benjamin Eastman, Joshua Bondeson, Philip Vandiver, Emily Padilla, Doug Vonfeldt, Skyler Bunce, Richard Mack, Zachary Breland, Jaime McCormick, Christopher Byrd, Cory Kannegieter, Brian Weden, Sherrie Maine.(LCB) [Transferred from Alabama Northern on 3/5/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2,
Att: 3 Exhibit 3,
Att: 4 Exhibit 4,
Att: 5 Exhibit 5,
Att: 6 Exhibit 6,
Att: 7 Exhibit 7,
Att: 8 Exhibit 8,
Att: 9 Exhibit 9